Saturday, March 20, 2010

Trey Pound tries salvia

According to (that's where I get all my facts), salvia is defined as, "...a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects..." In other words, it's a legal way to trip balls. So with that in mind (also remembering that salvia is easily purchased in stores in cities all across the country) I decided to see what the fuss was all about. I won't show the first of the two videos. Not because I'm especially humble (because that shit was funny), but because I need to edit it. If by some reason, I wind up getting in trouble for this video, there's no point in me dragging down my side-kicks in crime. The second video, the one I'm posting here, is the lesser of two evils. Enough to show you how far gone I was, but not quite the window-licking, helmet wearing half-with I was for a full five minutes. And now, on with the show...

You may be assuming from the David Hasselhoff-ishness of this video clip that I'll not be sampling any more salvia. That would be a correct assumption. I've been scared straight, at least as far as that shit goes. And remember kids: "There but for the grace of stupid, go I."

1 comment:

  1. I've never smoke pot, though I'm pro-legalization. I wish I'd taken video of the time that I tried salvia... I'm pretty sure I had a full-blown panic attack. It was pretty epic. I'd like to say that I was also "scared straight"... but the second time I tried it (in greater moderation)... it was phenomenal. Here's to stupidity at it's best.
