Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Undeniable Allure of the Unattainable

There’s a certain appeal I’ve always associated with the unattainable. I hardly think I’m alone in this—nothing makes an object more desirable than one’s absolute inability to have that object.

In no circumstance is this more pronounced than unrequited love. No man is as attractive as the one you can’t have, and no woman is as hot as the one that’s way out of your league. An unrequited crush is the seventh level of Hell.

So what do you? Do you pine endlessly over the one you can’t have? Or do you make up your mind to move on and cut off the feelings like a gangrenous limb? I guess the answer is as unique as each person who experiences the dilemma. For some the only reasonable solution is to man up and make a move. For others, the best thing to do is move on. Figuring out which answer best fits your situation is the hard part.

The reason I’m thinking so much about unrequited crushes is that I’m feeling one now. I know he’ll never be mine, and that makes it all the more difficult to be around him. His smile is a bittersweet thing: it changes my day for the better, but it breaks my heart because I know I’ll never be the cause of it. At least not in the way that I want to be.

So, as much as it sucks, I’m going to have to cut off the feelings. It’s not really who I am—I’ve always warn my feelings on both my sleeve and my face. But in this case, it’s better to keep the friend and ditch the feelings. The feelings would never amount to anything, but the friendship is something to treasure. I can feel it when I’m with him—he’s going to play an important role in my life. I would hate to ruin that with my silly crush. The best thing to do is let go….how exactly does that happen again?

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